Looking for quality teaching and learning materials?
This is the place! The Digital Resource Library is a curated collection of online resources recommended by the Skills for Success community. Explore key terms from the framework and connect to Skills for Success relevant articles and resources to improve your practice.
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Collaborative practice occurs when people of different backgrounds come together to work towards a common goal. In education, collaborative practice allows for interprofessional team teaching and planning.
Suter, E., Arndt, J., Arthur, N., Parboosingh, J., Taylor, E., & Deutschlander, S. (2009). Role understanding and effective communication as core competencies for collaborative practice. Journal of interprofessional care, 23(1), 41-51.(login required).
Colonialism is a set of policies that resulted in justifying Western practices of education and suppressing all other forms of knowledge.
Racism is discrimination against someone based on a particular racial group which can negatively affect a participant’s education and learning processes.
Communication teaching and learning materials are designed to help develop participants’ ability to receive, understand, consider, and share information and ideas through speaking, listening, and interacting with others.
The following links include practical, printable, ready-made resources to use in the delivery of Skills for Success training.
ABC up Skills for Work Workbook. (n.d.).Communication
Complexity is a task’s level of difficulty. Skills for Success are necessary for every job, but the skills are used at different levels of complexity depending on the demands of the job.
Lew, Julia & Hardt, Michael D. (2011). Controlling Complexity: An Introduction to Question Structure. SkillPlan B.C. Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council. https://www.skillplan.ca/controlling-complexity/
Conceptual models of creativity are guidelines or sets of strategies that practitioners use to direct their instruction of creativity. A model provides a framework to help participants learn creativity skills.
Four-C model: Kaufman, J. C., & Beghetto, R. A. (2009). Beyond Big and Little: The Four C Model of Creativity. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0013688 (login required)
Constructivist Learning Theory is based on the idea that participants build on their existing foundation to learn new information. The participants create their own meaning and knowledge based on their experiences.
Afify, M. (2018). E-learning content design standards based on interactive digital concepts maps in light of meaningful learning theory and constructivist learning theory. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 8(1), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.3926/jotse.267
Creativity Instructional Techniques involves out-of-the-box problem-solving techniques for participants to develop in the classroom so they can become independent thinkers in the workforce.
Four-C model: Kaufman, J. C., & Beghetto, R. A. (2009). Beyond Big and Little: The Four C Model of Creativity. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0013688 (login required)
Creativity teaching and learning materials are designed to increase participants’ ability to imagine, develop, express, encourage, and apply ideas in ways that are new, unexpected, or challenge existing methods and norms.
The following links include practical, printable, ready-made resources to use in the delivery of Skills for Success training.
Practical Applications:
Bellis, M. (2018, July 30). Learn how to lesson plan your class for creativity. ThoughtCo. Creative Thinking Lesson Plans