
Culturally relevant and responsive

Culturally relevant and responsive curriculum incorporates participants’ cultural experiences and perspectives for effective teaching and learning.

Flexible Delivery Strategies

Flexible Delivery Strategies are various teaching strategies designed to allow for flexibility of time, place, audience and technology in an educational setting.

  • Alex, J. L., Miller, E. A., Platt, R. E., Rachal, J. R., & Gammill, D. M. (2007). Making the Invisible Visible: A Model for Delivery Systems in Adult Education. Journal Of Adult Education, 36(2), 13-22.
  • Cornelius, S., Gordon, C., & Ackland, A. (2011). Towards flexible learning for adult learners in professional contexts: an activity-focused course design. Interactive Learning Environments, 19(4), 381-393.  (login required)
  • LeNoue, M., Hall, T., & Eighmy, M. A. (2011). Adult Education and the Social Media Revolution. Adult Learning, 22(2), 4-12.  (login required)


Identity refers to the unique social characteristics of participants in training programs, such as race/ethnicity, gender identity, biological sex, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, disability/ability, marital status, migration status, and religion. These identities overlap and intersect in dynamic ways that shape learners experiences in training.

Intercultural competence

Intercultural Competence is the ability to interact effectively and appropriately with people across different cultures.


Metacognition is the awareness of thinking about thinking. It helps participants understand their own learning processes.


Self-regulation is the ability to monitor attention, thoughts and emotions. Participants who have the ability to regulate their emotions and behavior are able to better engage with other participants and respond to the varying activities of the day.

  • Sitzmann, T., & Ely, K. (2011). A meta-analysis of self-regulated learning in work-related training and educational attainment: What we know and where we need to go. Psychological Bulletin, 137(3), 421-442. (login required).
  • Parrish, N. (2022). How to Teach Self-Regulation: To succeed in school, students need to be able to focus, control their emotions, and adjust to change. Edutopia.
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