Digital Resource Library

Looking for quality teaching and learning materials?

This is the place! The Digital Resource Library is a curated collection of online resources recommended by the Skills for Success community. Explore key terms from the framework and connect to Skills for Success relevant articles and resources to improve your practice.

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Problem-based Learning

Problem-based learning  (PBL) is a learner-centered approach in which participants learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem.

Problem-Solving Teaching and Learning Materials

Problem solving teaching and learning materials are designed to help enable participants to identify, analyze, propose solutions, and make decisions. Problem solving helps address issues, monitor success, and learn from the experience.

The following links include practical, printable, ready-made resources to use in the delivery of Skills for Success training.

Proficiency Scales

Proficiency scales are used to describe participants’ learning and progression along a continuum of growth. They are used to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.


Proposals are formal reports to explain how an individual or organization might accomplish the specified project effectively.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance involves the systemic review of training processes to maintain and improve quality, equity and efficiency.  


Question Structure

Question structure and complexity looks at the specific elements of questions that determine their level of difficulty.

  • Lew, J., & Hardt, M. D. (2011). Controlling complexity: An introduction to question structure. SkillPlan.
  • Mosenthal, P., & Kirsch, I.S. (1994). Defining the proficiency standards of adult literacy in the U.S.: A profile approach. Retrieved July 27, 2021 from
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