Emerging Trends in Adult Education

Emerging trends in adult education discusses the research and discovery in adult learning.  These include mobile training, microlearning and video training, self-led learning and game-based learning.    

  • Fenwick, T. (2008). Workplace learning: Emerging trends and new perspectives. New directions for adult and continuing education2008(119), 17-26. (login required).
  • Abraukhova, V., & Zimovetc, A. (2021). Trends in adult complementary education in the modern digital space. E3S Web of Conferences, 273, 12001. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202127312001
  • Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (2020). Characteristics of adults who return to education: Understanding barriers to adult learning. https://www.srdc.org/media/553114/srdc-adult-learners-lisa-report.pdf


Emerging Trends in Adult Education
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