1. Shapes Learning Environment
2. Engages Adult Learners
3. Fosters Learning
1. Shapes Learning Environment
Competency 1.1Organizes the physical, virtual and/or remote learning space to maximize participant engagement
Performance Indicators
- Arranges an appropriate physical, virtual and/or remote learning space
- Orients participants on how to use the physical, virtual and/or remote space
- Identifies possible barriers within the learning space and offers adaptations as required
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of the impact of different physical, virtual and remote layouts on learning, including for participants with learning differences and disabilities
- Knowledge of different virtual conferencing technologies and learning management systems
- Knowledge of digital trouble-shooting techniques
- Knowledge of disability and accessibility standards as applicable to community context: e.g., Accessible Canada Act, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Accessibility for Manitobans Act, Nova Scotia Accessibility Act, etc.
- Knowledge of assistive technologies for participants with learning differences and disabilities: e.g. screen readers, screen magnifiers, text-to-speech software, etc.
- Knowledge of accommodations that support participants with learning differences and disabilities
Competency 1.2Creates an atmosphere that addresses the social-emotional needs of participants
Performance Indicators
- Welcomes and greets participants as they enter the learning space
- Models respectful and inclusive language in interactions with participants and staff
- Sets expectations with participants regarding behaviour, policies and rules
- Manages disruptive or counter-productive behaviour
- Identifies and troubleshoots social-emotional barriers to learning
- Integrates participants’ diverse identities, experiences, background knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, cultures and values into learning activities
- Refers participants to community and outside resources as required
- Helps participants to get to know each other, develop trust and build community
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of community-building activities that foster a positive learning environment: e.g., icebreakers, Tribes Learning Communities, etc.
- Knowledge of human resources, inclusivity, diversity and respectful workplace policies
- Knowledge of social-emotional and other barriers that adult learners face in educational settings
- Knowledge of social-emotional skills
- Knowledge of positive learning and behaviour management approaches
- Awareness of how race, class, sexual orientation, culture, trauma, disability and gender identity intersect in the workplace and educational contexts and impact adult learners
- Knowledge of intercultural competence and culturally relevant and responsive curriculum
- Knowledge of Indigenous principles of learning, ways of knowing and worldviews
- Knowledge of processes and practices to support the Indigenization of education and curricula
- Knowledge of available community and outside resources: e.g., counselling, program advisors, etc.
Competency 1.3Builds participants’ confidence and ownership of learning process
Performance Indicators
- Shares learning strategies and behaviours that promote success
- Communicates the roles and responsibilities of participants
- Fosters independence by reducing the amount of support provided as participants gain ability, confidence and readiness to become independent
- Provides opportunities for participants to reflect on their prior learning and progress and set goals for continued improvement
- Models thinking processes for participants through think aloud demonstrations
- Encourages participants to ask questions and seek help when experiencing difficulty
- Checks in with participants to discuss their learning progress, engagement and challenges
- Provides opportunities for participants’ choice in learning materials and activities where possible
- Supports participants in recognizing their strengths and developing a positive disposition toward challenging learning tasks, taking risks and learning from mistakes
- Creates individual learning plans based on participants’ needs and abilities
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development
- Knowledge of metacognition, self-reflection, self-regulation, self-advocacy and self-determination strategies
- Knowledge of the impacts of participants’ educational and life experiences on their openness and ability to learn, and how to best overcome these barriers to learning
- Awareness of how race, class, sexual orientation, culture, trauma, disability and gender identity intersect in the workplace and educational contexts and impact adult learners
- Knowledge of intercultural competence and culturally relevant and responsive curriculum
- Knowledge of flexible delivery strategies
2. Engages Adult Learners
Competency 2.1Makes learning relevant to participants
Performance Indicators
- Connects learning to participants’ career and personal goals
- Connects learning theory to practical workplace tasks and future training
- Incorporates real-world tasks and authentic workplace materials into learning activities, including culturally and contextually relevant materials
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of the principles of adult learning, competency-based education, constructivist learning theory
- Knowledge of workplace context and research methods for these contexts
- Knowledge of intercultural competence and culturally relevant and responsive curriculum
- Awareness of the ways Skills for Success interconnect and how that affects learning and instruction: e.g., numeracy requires sufficient reading and document use skills; problem-solving ability improves with greater reading and numeracy skills; collaboration requires communication and problem-solving skills
Competency 2.2Recognizes and builds upon participants’ prior learning, knowledge and experience
Performance Indicators
- Provides opportunities for participants to reflect on their prior learning and connect it to new concepts
- Incorporates participants’ knowledge, skills and experiences into learning activities and discussions
- Encourages collaboration and idea-sharing among participants
- Connects new concepts to previous lessons and activities
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of strategies to activate prior knowledge: e.g., graphic organizers, KWL charts, anticipatory guides, gallery walk, free discussion, brainstorming, etc.
- Knowledge of narrative learning: e.g. autobiography, storytelling, etc.
Competency 2.3Makes learning interactive
Performance Indicators
- Asks questions to facilitate discussion and check understanding
- Asks questions at a variety of levels to target different types of thinking
- Encourages questions and comments from participants
- Demonstrates active listening with participants by focusing attention, nodding, asking clarification questions, and soliciting responses
- Responds to participant questions and comments
- Uses a variety of response strategies to encourage learning
- Incorporates a variety of small and large group discussion strategies
- Uses silence and wait time to encourage participants’ reflection and response
- Uses interactive technology
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of discussion, question and response strategies: e.g., think-pair-share, tell-help-check, wait time, Bloom’s taxonomy, didactic method, Socratic method, cooperative learning structures, answering directly, redirecting the question to the class, guiding the participant to answer their own question, etc.
- Knowledge of interactive technologies: e.g., polls, discussion boards, online quizzes, etc.
- Knowledge of online discussion strategies: open-ended discussion, closed-ended discussion, etc.
3. Fosters Learning
Competency 3.1Communicates in a way that meets needs of participants
Performance Indicators
- Speaks using a vocabulary level that is appropriate for participants’ needs and abilities
- Speaks at a speed that is appropriate for participants’ needs and abilities
- Speaks with sufficient volume that is audible to all participants
- Speaks with grammar and pronunciation that is comprehensible to participants
- Confirms instructions for activities are understood by participants
- Simplifies complex and specialized knowledge to make it comprehensible to participants
- Rewords explanations and instructions when participants need clarification
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of process of second language acquisition and strategies to support English language learners
- Knowledge of communication strategies to support participants with learning differences and disabilities
Competency 3.2Structures and scaffolds delivery to maximize learning
Performance Indicators
- Communicates lesson objectives to participants
- Connects new ideas to participants’ prior knowledge
- Breaks learning into manageable steps
- Presents information in logical sequence
- Introduces new concepts based on participant readiness
- Balances direct instruction with opportunity for participants to practice
- Builds repetition into lessons and practice to support learner mastery of skills
- Uses bridges and transitions to help participants see the connection and continuity among concepts and sections
- Provides summaries and opportunities to review
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and Bloom’s taxonomy
- Knowledge of scaffolding techniques: e.g., provide examples, models and templates; think aloud step-by-step processes; pre-teach vocabulary; use of visual aids; checks for understanding during lessons; division of large tasks into smaller chunks; slowing of the instructional pace; etc.
- Knowledge of strategies to activate prior knowledge: e.g., graphic organizers, Know Wonder Learn (KWL) charts, anticipatory guides, gallery walk, free discussion, brainstorming, etc.
- Knowledge of differentiated instruction methods: e.g., flexible learning groups, choice in learning tasks, varied content presentation, differently leveled materials, etc.
Competency 3.3Delivers content in a variety of ways
Performance Indicators
- Uses a variety of instructional techniques and modalities to provide content
- Uses visual and audio-visual displays of information to enhance learning
- Incorporates technology into instructional and learning activities
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of different ways to present content: e.g., demonstration, lecture, group discussion
- Knowledge of how to incorporate visual and audio-visual information: e.g., videos, pictures, replicas, models, images, graphs, diagrams, etc.
- Knowledge of digital tech tools: e.g., presentation tools, multimedia, online resources, learning management systems, word processing, spreadsheets, video editing software, etc.
- Knowledge of legal, ethical, safe and healthy behaviour related to technology use
Competency 3.4Adapts instruction based on participant needs and abilities
Performance Indicators
- Selects paper and/or digital materials that reflect participants’ interests, backgrounds, needs and goals
- Provides instruction and materials to accommodate a variety of participant levels and abilities
- Offers additional supports and resources for participants who are struggling or seeking additional challenge
- Adjusts the pace of the lesson depending on participants’ understanding and response
- Offers adaptations, accommodations, assistive devices and supportive technology for participants with learning differences and disabilities
- Adjusts instructional strategies based on participant feedback
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of how to adapt learning materials
- Knowledge of common signs of learning disability
- Knowledge of accommodations that support participants with learning differences and disabilities
- Knowledge of assistive technologies for participants with learning differences and disabilities: e.g. screen readers, screen magnifiers, text-to-speech software, etc.
- Knowledge of social-emotional skills