1. Develops Assessment Framework
2. Uses Data to Inform Instruction
3. Communicates Results
4. Evaluates Program
1. Develops Assessment Framework
Competency 1.1Bases assessment framework on program goals, industry standards, learning outcomes and participant needs
Performance Indicators
- Develops assessment framework to align with relevant occupational and industry standards, benchmarks and needs analysis results
- Develops assessment framework to measure participants’ achievement of program goals and learning outcomes
- Develops assessment framework to address issues of validity, reliability and bias
- Plans for assessment of each learning outcome
- Adjusts complexity, length and/or format of assessments depending on assessment purpose and participants’ levels, skills and abilities
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of different types of assessments: e.g., multiple choice vs. short answer; number of questions, length, etc.
- Knowledge of how to select, construct and use assessment strategies and instruments appropriate to learning outcomes being evaluated
- Knowledge of assessment standards and related issues: e.g., validity, reliability, bias, scoring concerns, ethics, etc.
- Knowledge of complexity levels for each Skill for Success, including variables that affect complexity for each skill, such as question structure, number of steps, length, risk, etc.
- Knowledge of Bloom’s taxonomy
- Knowledge of basic statistics
- Knowledge of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, principles and methods
Competency 1.2Incorporates a variety of assessment types into assessment framework
Performance Indicators
- Administers a pre-assessment to measure participants’ levels, skills, abilities, goals, background knowledge and pre-requisites
- Monitors learning through a variety of formative assessment strategies
- Evaluates participants’ achievement of program goals and learning outcomes through a variety of summative assessment strategies to ensure participants’ learning is fully and fairly captured
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) processes
- Knowledge of formative assessment strategies: e.g., classroom observations, discussion, self-reflection, exit-slips, portfolios, quizzes, interviews, questionnaires, student error logs, demonstrations, learning activities, etc.
- Knowledge of summative assessment strategies: e.g., section tests, final exams, performance assessments, standardized tests, demonstrations, portfolio, etc.
- Knowledge of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, principles and methods
Competency 1.3Plans for ongoing assessment at regular intervals
Performance Indicators
- Determines the appropriate frequency of assessment
- Schedules a balance of formative assessment and summative assessment
- Builds in frequent opportunities to provide formal and informal feedback to participants on their progress
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of formative assessment strategies: e.g., classroom observations, discussion, self-reflection, exit-slips, portfolios, quizzes, interviews, questionnaires, student error logs, demonstrations, learning activities, etc.
- Knowledge of summative assessment strategies: e.g., section tests, final exams, performance assessments, standardized tests, demonstrations, portfolio, etc.
- Knowledge of different ways to deliver formative feedback: e.g. individual conferences, group discussions, peer feedback, gallery walks, written feedback, interactive online activities, etc.
Competency 1.4Keeps a record of participant performance
Performance Indicators
- Collects and stores evidence of participants’ work and learning
- Ensures privacy of participants and confidentiality of information
- Follows storage and confidentiality guidelines as applicable to regional and/or training partner requirements
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of physical and digital ways to record participant work and grades
- Knowledge of confidentiality protocols and privacy acts: e.g., The Privacy Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
2. Uses Data to Inform Instruction
Competency 2.1Uses pre-assessment results to adapt instruction and curriculum
Performance Indicators
- Supports participants to acquire prerequisite skills and knowledge
- Adjusts curriculum and materials to align course content to participant levels, interests and goals
- Uses results to set participants’ expectations regarding learning gain, level of effort, duration and impact
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of ways to address pre-training gaps: e.g., asking participants to re-enrol when ready, providing participants with additional resources or referring participants to additional learning
- Knowledge of how to adapt learning materials
- Knowledge of assessment standards and related issues: e.g., validity, reliability, bias, scoring concerns, ethics, etc.
Competency 2.2Uses formative assessment to inform instruction
Performance Indicators
- Uses formative assessment results to plan a range of supplemental activities for use with participants who are struggling to achieve learning outcomes or who would benefit from extra challenge
- Uses formative assessment results to make judgments about when and how to diverge from a lesson plan in response to learning needs as they emerge
- Uses task deconstruction to identify where exactly learners are experiencing difficulty
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of formative assessment strategies: e.g., classroom observations, discussion, self-reflection, exit-slips, portfolios, quizzes, interviews, questionnaires, student error logs, demonstrations, learning activities, etc.
- Knowledge of scaffolding techniques: e.g., provision of examples, models and templates; think aloud step-by-step processes; pre-teach vocabulary; use of visual aids; checks for understanding during lessons; division of large tasks into smaller chunks; slowing of the pace of instruction; etc.
- Knowledge of differentiated instruction methods: e.g., flexible learning groups, choice in learning tasks, varied content presentation, differently leveled materials, etc.
Competency 2.3Uses summative assessment to inform instruction
Performance Indicators
- Uses summative assessment results to adapt instruction to reach participants who have difficulty with a particular approach or concept
- Uses summative assessment results to identify participants who need additional support in the next steps of their training or career paths
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of summative assessment strategies: e.g., section tests, final exams, performance assessments, standardized tests, demonstrations, portfolio, etc.
- Knowledge of scaffolding techniques: e.g., provision of examples, models and templates; think aloud step-by-step processes; pre-teach vocabulary; use of visual aids; checks for understanding during lessons; division of large tasks into smaller chunks; slowing of the pace of instruction; etc.
- Knowledge of differentiated instruction methods: e.g., flexible learning groups, choice in learning tasks, varied content presentation, differently leveled materials, etc.
3. Communicates Results
Competency 3.1Provides ongoing formative feedback to participants and other training partners
Performance Indicators
- Communicates specific details of learning progress and developing skills to participants, employers and other relevant training partners throughout the training period
- Delivers formative feedback using a variety of tools and approaches
- Provides timely formative feedback as soon as possible after assessment
- Focuses feedback on the specific strengths and areas for growth that have the greatest impact on participant performance
- Follows assessment protocols when debriefing to ensure participants understand the results, what they need to do and are motivated to do it
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of formative assessment strategies: e.g. classroom observations, discussion, self-reflection, exit-slips, portfolios, quizzes, interviews, questionnaires, student error logs, demonstrations, learning activities, etc.
- Knowledge of different ways to deliver formative feedback: e.g. individual conferences, group discussions, peer feedback, gallery walks, written feedback, interactive online activities, etc.
- Knowledge of how to communicate assertively, sensitively, diplomatically, and in culturally appropriate ways
- Knowledge of assessment standards and related issues: e.g., validity, reliability, bias, scoring concerns, ethics, etc.
Competency 3.2Encourages participants to self-reflect on their own progress and achievement
Performance Indicators
- Incorporates self-assessment activities throughout the training period
- Models self-reflection processes for participants through think aloud demonstrations
- Uses a variety of tools to encourage participants to self-reflect
- Provides opportunities for participants to reflect on their progress and set goals for continued improvement
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of strategies to encourage a growth mindset
- Knowledge of self-assessment approaches and tools: e.g., individual conferences, self-assessment checklists, reflection logs, etc.
Competency 3.3Provides summative evaluation of participants’ achievement of learning outcomes
Performance Indicators
- Uses summative assessments to measure participant achievement of program goals and learning outcomes
- Compares summative assessment data to pre-assessment data to measure participant improvement
- Identifies individual and group trends, patterns and areas of strength and development
- Uses summative assessments to determine marks and grades
- Uses summative assessments to make decisions and recommendations about participants’ progression and placement following the training period
- Communicates overall learning progress and developing skills to participants, employers and other relevant training partners after key summative assessments, during and after the training period
- Uses formalized reports to communicate summative evaluation of participants’ performance
- Follows assessment protocols when debriefing to ensure participants understand the results, what they need to do and are motivated to do it
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of summative assessment strategies: e.g., section tests, final exams, performance assessments, standardized tests, demonstrations, portfolio, etc.
- Knowledge of assessment standards and related issues: e.g., validity, reliability, bias, scoring concerns, ethics, etc.
4. Evaluates Program
Competency 4.1Evaluates participant and other training partner feedback
Performance Indicators
- Collects feedback from participants, employers and other training partners through feedback forms, online surveys, etc.
- Analyzes data for patterns and trends in participant feedback
- Identifies factors inside and outside of training that might positively or negatively affect participant feedback
- Recommends changes to improve design and delivery based on participant feedback
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of training evaluation models: e.g., Kirkpatrick-Katzell, Anderson’s Value of Learning, Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method, Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM), etc.
- Knowledge of methods and instruments to collect participant feedback: e.g., surveys, focus groups, interviews, etc.
- Knowledge of confidentiality and privacy protocols
Competency 4.2Evaluates achievement of learning outcomes
Performance Indicators
- Compiles aggregate data on participant achievement of learning outcomes
- Analyzes data for patterns and trends in participants’ performance
- Identifies factors inside and outside of training that might positively or negatively affect participants’ performance
- Recommends changes to improve design and delivery based on participants’ performance
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of how to interpret and aggregate data
Competency 4.3Evaluates transfer of learning from training to workplace
Performance Indicators
- Gathers data on transfer of learning from training to workplace
- Analyzes data for improvement in participant post-training performance
- Identifies factors inside and outside of training that might positively or negatively affect participants’ post-training performance
- Recommends changes to design and delivery to support transfer of learning based on participants’ post-training performance
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of methods and instruments to assess transfer of learning: e.g., post-training observation checklists, manager feedback, performance management appraisals, questionnaires, 360-degree evaluations, calculating competency gains, etc.
Competency 4.4Evaluates business results
Performance Indicators
- Gathers data to identify differences between pre-training, post-training and desired participant performance
- Analyzes data for impact of training on participant performance and subsequent business results
- Identifies factors outside of training that might positively or negatively affect business results
- Recommends changes to improve impact of training based on participant performance and subsequent business results
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of methods and instruments to assess business results: e.g., evaluations, interviews, focus groups, calculating Return on Investment (ROI)
- Knowledge of business performance measures: e.g., productivity/output, sales, turnover, customer satisfaction and retention, wastage, employee absences, etc.
Competency 4.5Evaluates quality assurance and quality control processes
Performance Indicators
- Reviews organizational Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) processes
- Monitors and documents QA/QC activities with internal reporting and audits
- Identifies areas to improve in the QA/QC processes
- Recommends changes to improve QA/QC processes
Supporting Knowledge
- Knowledge of QA and QC practices
- Knowledge of audit process