Assess Self-Assessment Tool
Assess Self-Assessment Tool
Assess Self-Assessment Tool
Assess Self-Assessment Tool
Skills for Success practitioners develop assessment frameworks to accurately measure learning.
Think about the assessments you have developed for training programs in the past three years. To what extent do the following statements describe your recent assessment practices?
Score each one:
① – Not at all true of me
② – Slightly true of me
③ – Somewhat true of me
④ – Mostly true of me
⑤ – Very true of me
The following statements are based on ASSESS 1. Develops Assessment Framework
1.1Assessment Framework
I align the assessment framework with industry standards, program goals and participant needs, and I address issues of validity, reliability and bias where possible to ensure accurate measurement of participants’ achievement of learning outcomes.
1.2Variety of Assessment
I incorporate a variety of assessment types into the assessment framework, including pre-assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment.
1.3Ongoing Assessment
I schedule a balance of formative and summative assessment and build in frequent opportunities to provide formal and informal feedback to participants on their progress.
1.4Record of Performance
I collect and store evidence of participants’ work and learning while ensuring the privacy of participants and confidentiality of information.
Read the scenario below. Then identify the assessment performance indicators that are demonstrated in the scenario. ① Monique is delivering a 1-month Skills for Success training program aimed at preparing workers for entry level health care roles. Throughout the program, she uses assessment to inform her instruction. ② Before the program begins, Monique invites participants to access practice materials online to refresh their skills and background knowledge. On the first day, participants complete a pre-assessment of their reading and writing skills. They also participate in a one-on-one interview to demonstrate their communication skills in a workplace-based situation. Monique uses the results to determine which learning materials and activities are the right fit and level for the group. ③ Monique focuses early instruction on a reading strategy to help participants locate information in health-related documents. She asks participants to talk through their thinking process, which enables her to pinpoint exactly where participants are struggling with the reading strategy. She uses weekly informal quizzes to assess progress and identify which participants would benefit from extra help or more advanced work. ④ Monique introduces email writing and asks participants to share tips on style and structure. She quickly realizes they already have a high level of knowledge, so she shortens her presentation and gets participants into the writing activity right away. She decides to use their writing samples as the basis for further instruction and discussion. ⑤ Participants complete a post-assessment at the end of the program. Monique prepares final reports to summarize participant performance and identify which skills participants may need additional support with as they begin their work placements.
PART A Questions
The following statements are based on ASSESS 2. Uses Data to Inform Instruction
Identify the paragraph where Monique demonstrates each of the performance indicators below.
2.2.2Uses formative assessment data to make judgments about when and how to diverge from a lesson plan in response to learning needs as they emerge
2.1.2Adjusts curriculum and materials to align course content to participant levels, interests and goals
2.3.2Uses summative assessment data to identify participants who need additional support in the next steps of their training or career paths
2.1.3Uses data to set participants’ expectations regarding learning gain, level of effort, duration and impact
2.2.1Uses formative assessment data to plan a range of supplemental activities for use with participants who are struggling to achieve learning outcomes or who would benefit from extra challenge
2.1.1Supports participants to acquire prerequisite skills and knowledge
2.2.3Uses task deconstruction to identify where exactly learners are experiencing difficulty
PART B Question
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. To what extent do your recent assessment practices reflect Monique’s approach?
Choose one:
① – Not at all similar approach
② – Slightly similar approach
③ – Somewhat similar approach
④ – Mostly similar approach
⑤ – Very similar approach
Skills for Success practitioners communicate about assessment results with participants and other training partners.
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. How would you rate your proficiency in performing these assessment tasks?
Score each one:
① – Rookie
② – Beginner
③ – Intermediate
④ – Proficient
⑤ – Expert
The following statements are based on ASSESS 3. Communicates Results
3.1Formative Feedback
I use a variety of approaches and tools to provide timely and focused feedback, and I communicate this feedback in a way that is assertive, diplomatic and culturally appropriate.
I encourage participants to self-reflect on their own progress by incorporating self-assessment tools, modeling self-reflection through think aloud demonstrations, and guiding participants in goal setting activities.
3.3Summative Evaluation
I use summative assessments to measure participant achievement of program goals and learning outcomes, I analyze the data to identify trends and areas of strength and development, and I communicate these results using formal reports, marks and grades.
Skills for Success practitioners evaluate programs to ensure the provision of high-quality training.
Think about the training programs you have evaluated in the past three years. How would you rate your proficiency in performing these evaluation tasks?
Score each one:
① – Rookie
② – Beginner
③ – Intermediate
④ – Proficient
⑤ – Expert
The following statements are based on ASSESS 4. Evaluates Progarm
I collect feedback from participants, employers and other training partners, I analyze the data for patterns and trends, and I recommend changes to improve training based on feedback.
4.2Learning Outcomes
I evaluate achievement of learning outcomes by compiling participant results data, analysing the data for patterns and trends, and recommending changes to improve training based on participants’ performance.
4.3Transfer of Learning
I gather data on transfer of learning from training to workplace, I analyze the data for improvement in participant post-training improvement, and I recommend changes to improve training based on participants’ post-training performance.
4.4Business Results
I gather data to identify differences between pre-training, post-training and desired participant performance, I analyze data for the impact of training on participant performance and subsequent business results, and I recommend changes to improve the impact of training based on participant performance and subsequent business results.
4.5Quality Assurance and Control
I evaluate organizational quality assurance and quality control processes by monitoring and documenting QA/QC activities with internal reporting and audits and recommending changes to improve QA/QC processes.
Your Self-Assessment Report
Assessed Domain:
Congratulations on taking time to self-reflect as a Skills for Success practitioner!
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The following results are a snapshot of your self-identified areas of strength and areas for growth as a Skills for Success practitioner. The self-assessment tools are intended to promote professional reflection and engagement with the competency framework rather than provide an objective measure of competency.
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Two supporting tools on the website can help further develop your professionalism. Use the Digital Resource Library to stay on top of important and emerging topics in adult education,
Access this section in the Competency Framework to learn more.GROWTH
Section Highlights
Many best practices revolve around making training relevant and engaging. Contextualizing the training by incorporating authentic workplace materials and tasks is a great way to do this. Using assessment to measure participant performance, target instruction, provide feedback, and scaffold learning is another powerful way to move markers.
Access this section in the Competency Framework to learn more.