Deliver Self-Assessment Tool
Deliver Self-Assessment Tool
Deliver Self-Assessment Tool
Deliver Self-Assessment Tool
Deliver Self-Assessment Tool
Skills for Success practitioners create a learning atmosphere that addresses the social-emotional needs of participants.
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. To what extent do the following statements describe your recent social-emotional instructional practices?
Score each one:
① – Not at all true of me
② – Slightly true of me
③ – Somewhat true of me
④ – Mostly true of me
⑤ – Very true of me
The following statements are based on DELIVER 1.2 Creates an atmosphere that addresses the social-emotional needs of participants
1.2.1I welcome and greet participants as they enter the learning space.
1.2.2I model respectful and inclusive language in interactions with participants and staff.
1.2.3I set expectations with participants regarding behaviour, policies and rules.
1.2.4I manage disruptive or counter-productive behaviour.
1.2.5I identify and troubleshoot social-emotional barriers to learning.
1.2.6I integrate participants’ diverse identities, experiences, background knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, cultures and values into learning activities.
1.2.7I refer participants to community and outside resources as required.
1.2.8I help participants to get to know each other, develop trust and build community.
Skills for Success practitioners build participants’ confidence and ownership of the learning process.
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. To what extent do the following statements describe your recent instructional practices?
Score each one:
① – Not at all true of me
② – Slightly true of me
③ – Somewhat true of me
④ – Mostly true of me
⑤ – Very true of me
The following statements are based on DELIVER 1.3 Builds participants' confidence and ownership of learning process
1.3.1I share learning strategies and behaviours that promote success.
1.3.2I communicate the roles and responsibilities of participants.
1.3.3I foster independence by reducing the amount of support provided as participants gain ability, confidence and readiness to become independent.
1.3.4I provide opportunities for participants to reflect on their prior learning, progress and set goals for continued improvement.
1.3.5I model thinking processes for participants through think aloud demonstrations.
1.3.6I encourage participants to ask questions and seek help when experiencing difficulty.
1.3.7I check in with participants to discuss their learning progress, engagement and challenges.
1.3.8I provide opportunities for participants’ choice in learning materials and activities where possible.
1.3.9I support participants in recognizing their strengths and developing a positive disposition toward challenging learning tasks, taking risks and learning from mistakes.
1.3.10I create individual learning plans based on participants’ needs and abilities.
Skills for Success practitioners deliver instruction in a way that engages adult learners.
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. How would you rate your proficiency in performing these instructional tasks?
Score each one:
① – Rookie
② – Beginner
③ – Intermediate
④ – Proficient
⑤ – Expert
The following statements are based on DELIVER 2. Engages Adult Learners
I make learning relevant to participants by connecting learning to participants’ career and personal goals, connecting the theory to practical applications, and incorporating real-world tasks and authentic workplace materials into learning activities, including culturally and contextually relevant materials.
2.2Prior Learning
I recognize and build upon participants’ prior learning, knowledge and experience by providing opportunities for participants to reflect on their prior learning and connect it to new concepts, incorporating participants’ knowledge, skills and experiences into learning activities and discussions, encouraging collaboration and idea-sharing among participants, and connecting new concepts to previous lessons and activities.
Your colleague is coming to you for advice. They have received feedback that they need to make their training more interactive and incorporate more purposeful questions and discussion. What are some best practices you would recommend around effective discussion, question and response strategies?
List 5 to 10 ideas in the box below.
The following statements are based on DELIVER 2.3 Makes learning interactive
Compare your ideas with the list below. Check the box for each performance indicator that you included in your response.
Skills for Success practitioners structure the delivery of instruction to foster and optimise learning.
Think about the training programs you have delivered in the past three years. How would you rate your proficiency in performing these instructional tasks?
Score each one:
① – Rookie
② – Beginner
③ – Intermediate
④ – Proficient
⑤ – Expert
The following statements are based on DELIVER 3. Fosters Learning
3.1CommunicationLa communication
I speak clearly by using an appropriate vocabulary level, speed, volume and pronunciation depending on participants’ needs, I confirm that participants understand my instructions, and I simplify complex concepts or reword instructions when participants need clarification.
3.2Structure and Scaffolding
I communicate lesson objectives, connect new ideas to participants’ prior knowledge, break learning into manageable steps, present information in logical sequence, and balance direct instruction with opportunity to practice, repeat and review.
3.3Content Delivery
I use a variety of instructional techniques and modalities to provide content, I use visual and audio-visual displays of information to enhance learning, and I incorporate technology into instructional and learning activities.
3.4Adapting Instruction
I match materials and instruction to participants’ interests, backgrounds, needs and goals, levels and abilities, I offer additional supports and resources for participants who are struggling or seeking additional challenge, I adjust the pace of the lesson depending on participants’ understanding and response, I offer adaptations, accommodations, assistive devices and supportive technology for participants with learning differences and disabilities, and I adjust these instructional strategies based on participant feedback.
Your Self-Assessment Report
Assessed Domain:
Congratulations on taking time to self-reflect as a Skills for Success practitioner!
You can use these results to guide your professional development and to direct you towards sections of the competency framework that are most relevant to you. Click on the links to access further information, supporting knowledge and resources within the competency framework.
The following results are a snapshot of your self-identified areas of strength and areas for growth as a Skills for Success practitioner. The self-assessment tools are intended to promote professional reflection and engagement with the competency framework rather than provide an objective measure of competency.
Section Highlights
Two supporting tools on the website can help further develop your professionalism. Use the Digital Resource Library to stay on top of important and emerging topics in adult education,
Access this section in the Competency Framework to learn more.GROWTH
Section Highlights
Many best practices revolve around making training relevant and engaging. Contextualizing the training by incorporating authentic workplace materials and tasks is a great way to do this. Using assessment to measure participant performance, target instruction, provide feedback, and scaffold learning is another powerful way to move markers.
Access this section in the Competency Framework to learn more.